If you want to add Skip Links to your page (for accessibility), you can do that by adding the following code into the body begin of your pages:
<ul class="ym-skiplinks"> <li><a class="ym-skip" href="...........#nav">Skip to navigation (Press Enter)</a></li> <li><a class="ym-skip" href="...........#main">Skip to main content (Press Enter)</a></li> </ul>
You can do so by adding a "Sourcecode" module to the top of your page.
Note that you MUST replace the dots above with the current path of the site. For home, this means you can leave the dots away. But for a "about" page, it would look like this:
<ul class="ym-skiplinks"> <li><a class="ym-skip" href="about/#nav">Skip to navigation (Press Enter)</a></li> <li><a class="ym-skip" href="about/#main">Skip to main content (Press Enter)</a></li> </ul>
Also note that the links will look different in each language (for multi-language pages).