The filebrowser
If you want to add files such as pictures, PDF's, etc. to your website, you have to upload them to a folder in inCMS.
First click on files and you will see structure of your folders, which you can edit.
Click on the plus icon to create a new folder.
Now you can name it and add a description.
Click on save and close to create the new folder.
You can move it for example to the Ad folder with drag and drop.
As you can see the newly created folder is now a sub-folder of the Ad folder.
I've already uploaded some pictures to the image folder.
In addition I've created a sub-folder named gallery, where I've uploaded some other pictures.
You can always move the pictures to another folder with drag and drop.
To upload new files, click on Upload files and select one or more files.
Click on duplicate file to get two identical pictures for example.
In addition you can adjust the view of your files.
To delete files, select it and click on "delete selection".
With double click on a picture, you can edit the settings.
For example you can add a description.
If you add a description, it will be shown instead of the file name.
Further you can rename or replace the picture.
Click on save and close to verify the edited settings.